At Infusion Church, we value the TRUST you advance to us; and we work to ensure that you and anyone you recommend us to will never regret any experience with us.

You Can Trust Us!

We value your trust with the following commitments:

  • Sound Doctrine – Because of our great appreciation for the grace and mercy of God who called us to serve, and the ministry with which he has entrusted us, we refuse to walk in craftiness or handle the word of God deceitfully. You can trust us to preach and teach the truth as we know it; and to unteach any prior learnings that fall short of biblical validation.
  • Genuine Care – We are God’s servants for your sake; and that means we serve GOD THROUGH our services to you. We believe that we cannot give God our best without giving You – his people – our best. You can trust us to care about you and your family’s spiritual and natural well-being; and to put your Christian development ahead of any events, programs, initiatives or fundraisers that may be introduced.
  • Transparency – We believe every member, as well as our community, should have a confident sense of our pure motives. There are no church business decisions or considerations that must be kept secret from our members; and when our leaders struggle to confidently make an important decision, we will invite the larger congregation to join us in prayer and lend their voice. You can trust us to keep you informed in every area of our ministry operation; and leverage your commitment to the church when we need a larger consensus for matters where God has not confirmed his will to the pastoral gift.
  • Fiduciary Duty – To be a fiduciary means to work earnestly in the best business or financial interests of others; even putting their interests above your own. We can get tripped up here by acknowledging that the finances of the Church belong to God and not the people. That is very true; but our fiduciary duty to God entails putting his best interests (those he calls us to serve) above our own. You can trust us to seek the will of God to ensure that every financial decision we make has gone through a due process and is inline with the mission and vision of the church.

We Trust You Too!

NOW Besides the trust you place in us, we too put trust in you. We trust you to pray for and support this faith community from a sincere heart. We cannot be successful without the commitment and contribution of every member.
In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul describes how church members should support the ministry and ministry initiatives.

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”

The prophet Malachi speaking under divine inspiration, tells of God’s commitment to the tither.

“…and prove me now herewith,” saith the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Besides financial contributions, we can’t succeed without your fellowship and service. Being with the believers – whether in-person or virtual – is a vital component of supporting your church. And, offering your gifts and abilities for the upbuild and sustainability of the ministry is another way to support.

Finally, we trust you to echo and emulate our core values in your interactions with others in this community.

The ultimate call to trust is for each of us – individually and collectively- to:

Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths?

We can’t go wrong trusting in GOD; and where we as a community develop and solidify our trust in God, we will find the trust we put in each other is well placed.